The Down Side Of A Botox Party

Did you know your face has hundreds of veins?

This is the reason why you should always choose a qualified medical practitioner to carry out your treatment. Someone who has been trained in aesthetics and has patient safety at the peak of their priorities, not profit.

Although a cheaper price might be favourable for some patients, why would you want to take that risk? Your face is one of your most prized assets in the world, so always carry out research first and look for online reviews.

It’s not just practitioners you need to be wary of either. An increasing number of ‘at home’ Botox parties are on the rise. Sampling fillers in the relaxed social setting of a living room can be extremely tempting for some women especially if they’ve had too much wine or feeling peer pressure.

The thought of the above is enough to make our brows furrow with worry!

Imagine what other experienced aesthetic professionals out there would think of ladies giving themselves a little Botox?  

It’s important to remember that Botox is a prescriptive medicine and like all other medicines, it is illegal to advertise Botox in the UK. So even advertising a Botox party or ‘group treatment’ in a professional aesthetic setting would not be lawful either. Unless, coincidentally, all the women needed Botox? But then there’s an added element of peer pressure here, where no woman should feel pressurised into having Botox just to impress her friends, or feel part of a crowd.

What’s more is how many women may think they are in the hands of an expert, but really they should be seeking what training or certification the practitioner has displayed on the walls of his or her clinic.

A real-life Botox treatment is exempt from any persuasion from third parties and consists of advice on alternative methods of treatment, as well as an in-depth discussion into the risks and side effects that are associated with Botox.

We understand how having a group of friends around, makes having Botox treatment a lot less daunting. Take for example two friends who visited a clinic to have laser treatment on their eyes. It was extremely comforting and reassuring for them both to be in close proximity and sharing the same experience which would perhaps be otherwise daunting if they were alone.

So, it’s easy to see why creating a social party setting for Botox makes it more of a beauty treatment and less of a medical one. However, the risks are not justifiable enough to make this a safe practice and many professionals will find they are not insured against such events that take place.

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